Order Request Form

Industrial Donut is open Monday-Saturday, 7am-1pm and closed every Sunday. Requests may not be responded to outside of these hours.

We will be CLOSED for Spring Break from Monday, 3/17-Thursday, 3/20 and will reopen on Friday 3/21 and Saturday, 3/22.

Seasonal/Holiday Specials are PREORDER only at https://industrialdonut.square.site/ and made-to-order (menu) donuts are also ordered online at https://industrialdonut.square.site/ .

All special pre-orders are subject to approval and must be placed no later than 48 hours prior to desired pick up time. Detailed design requests are usually approved for pick up between 11am and 12:45pm, as they require more prep time and design time. Once received and approved, all online order requests will be e-mailed for confirmation. If you have not received an e-mail confirmation (check your SPAM) within 48 hours, please call 217-607-1323 from 7am-1pm, Monday-Saturday. Special Orders may be required to pre-pay before they are confirmed. Thank you!

Note- we request 1-2 weeks notice for all special orders (unicorns, sports themed, superheroes, etc.), so we have time to order any product(s) we may need to complete your request and make your order the BEST it can be. Late requests not made within the min. 48 hour time frame or that require special order rush shipments may not be accepted or may incur a late-order fee. Thank you.